661. Routledge critical stud
Author: edited by Stephen C. Berkwitz, Juliane Schober, and Claudia Brown.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

662. Sacred Schisms: How Religions Divide
Author: / edited by James R. Lewis, Sarah M. Lewis.
Library: Library of Islamic Encyclopedia Foundation (Tehran)
Subject: دین, -- تاریخ, Religion -- History,Schism
Classification :

663. Sacred schisms: how religions divide
Author: edited by James R. Lewis, Sarah M. Lewis
Library: Special Library of University of Religions (Qom)
Subject: History ، Religion,، Schism
Classification :

665. Shakespeare and Asia
Author: general editor, Douglas A. Brooks ; theme editor, Lingui Yang ; assistant editor, Ashley Brinkman.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Shakespeare, William, -- 1564-1616 -- Appreciation -- Asia.,Shakespeare, William, -- 1564-1616 -- Knowledge -- Asia.,Shakespeare, William, -- 1564-1616 -- Stage history -- Asia.

666. Sky catalogue 2000.0
Author: Hirshfeld Alan
Library: Central Library and Information Center of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (Khorasan Razavi)
Subject: Catalogs ، Stars
Classification :

667. Sky catalogue 2000.0
Author: ]edited[ by Alan Hirshfeld, Roger W. Sinnott and Francois Ochsenbein
Library: Library of Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (Tehran)
Subject: ، Stars -- Catalogs
Classification :

668. South Asian history: an introduction -- Modernity and antiquity: interpretations of ancient India -- Pre-modern accommodation of difference: the making of Indo-Islamic cultures -- The Mughal Empire: state, economy and society -- India between empires: decline or decentralization? -- The transition to colonialism: resistance and collaboration -- The first century of British rule, 1757 to 1857: state and economy -- Company Raj and Indian society, 1757 to 1857: reinvention and reform of tradition -- 1857: rebellion, collaboration and the transition to Crown Raj -- High noon of colonialism, 1858 to 1914: state and political economy -- A nation
Author: Sugata Bose and Ayesha Jalal.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

669. Sport, culture and advertising :
Author: [edited by] Steven J. Jackson and David L. Andrews.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Advertising-- Social aspects.,Sports-- Social aspects.,Advertising-- Social aspects.,Recreation & Sports.,Social Sciences.,SPORTS & RECREATION-- Sociology of Sports.,Sports-- Social aspects.
Classification :

670. Systems analysis and design :
Author: Roger H.L. Chiang, Keng Siau, Bill C. Hardgrave, editors.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: System analysis.,System design.,SCIENCE-- System Theory.,System analysis.,System design.,TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING-- Operations Research.
Classification :

671. Talking about life :
Author: [edited by] Chris Impey.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Astronomers, Interviews.,Biologists, Interviews.,Exobiology.,Geologists, Interviews.,Life-- Origin.,Astronomers.,Biologists.,Exobiology.,Geologists.,Life-- Origin.,SCIENCE-- Life Sciences-- Evolution.
Classification :

672. Teaching with Global politics, a new introduction -- Introduction / Jenny Edkins, Maja Zehfuss -- How do we begin to think about the world? / Véronique Pin-Fat -- What happens if we don't think in human terms? / Simon Dalby -- Who do we think we are? / Annick T.R. Wibben -- How do religious beliefs affect politics? / Peter Mandaville -- Why do we obey? / Jenny Edkins -- How do we find out what's going on in the world? / Debbie Lisle -- Why is people's movement restricted? / Roxanne Lynn Doty -- Why is the world divided territorially? / Stuart Elden -- How does the nation-state work? / Michael J. Shapiro -- Do colonialism and slavery belong to the past? / Kate Manzo -- How is the world organized economically? / V. Spike Pe
Author: edited by Jenny Edkins and Maja Zehfuss.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

673. Technologies of the gothic in literature and culture :
Author: edited by Justin D. Edwards
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Gothic fiction (Literary genre)-- History and criticism,Gothic revival (Literature)-- History and criticism,Technology in literature
Classification :

674. Textes Kurdes
Author: Roger Lescot
Library: Central Library of APLL (Tehran)
Subject: ، Kurdish literature
Classification :

675. Textes kurdes
پدیدآورنده :
موضوع : Kurdish literature,Kurdish language - Texts
۲ نسخه از این کتاب در ۲ کتابخانه موجود است.
676. Textes kurdes
Author: Roger Lescot
Library: Library of Faculty Literature of University of Tehran (Tehran)
Subject: Kurdish language--Dialects--Turkey--Mardin Ili

677. Texts Kurdes...
Author: Lescot
Library: Central Library and Documents Center of Tehran University (Tehran)
Subject: Kurdish language-- collection,Kurdish literature- Collections,Alan, Mame
Classification :

678. The Arab Middle East / Martin Bunton -- West Africa / David Owusu-Ansah -- East Africa / Valerie J. Hoffman -- Turkey / Markus Dressler -- Iran / Elton L. Daniel -- Central Asia / Devin DeWeese -- Southeast Asia / Nelly van Doorn-Harder -- Europe / John R. Bowen -- The Diaspora in the West / Amir Hussain -- The Quran / Gordon Nickel and Andrew Rippin -- Muhammad / Michael Lecker -- Sunni law / Robert Gleave -- Theology : freewill and predestination / Suleiman Ali Mourad -- Ritual life / Zayn Kassam -- Rites of Passage / Zayn Kassam -- Sufism / Art Buehler -- Shi'ism / William Shepard -- Relations with other religions / David Thomas -- The Arabic language / Mustafa Shah -- Philosophy / Oliver Leaman -- The scientific tradition / George Saliba -- Education / Jeffrey C. Burke -- The transmission of knowledge / Paul L. Heck -- Travel / David Waines -- 'Abd al-Jabbar / Gabriel Said Reynolds -- Na'im al-Mulk / Neguin Yevari -- Al-Ghazali / Frank Griffel -- Ibn 'Arabi / Sajjad H. Ri
Author: [edited by] Andrew Rippin.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

679. The Atlantic Alliance and global crisis manage
Author: Damon Coletta.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

680. <The> Blackwell Guide to Descartes' Meditations
Author: \ edited by Stephen Gaukroger
Library: Library of Foreign Languages and Islamic Sources (Qom)
Subject: Descartes, Rene,1596-1650., Meditationes de prima philosophia,First philosophy,فلسفه اولی
Classification :